Friday, January 6, 2012

After the three wise men came three great meals...

Epiphanies can arrive in the form of a celebration, an idea, different shapes and endless colors.   Traditionally, Epiphany or El Dia de los Tres Reyes, the twelfth day after Christmas celebrates the visit of the three kings or wise men to the Christ Child, signifying the extension of salvation to the Gentiles. 

January 6th, 2012, began as it does every year with attention to Mass and celebratory chachkies for the littlest members of the family. I, in turn, found this year to be an unforeseen surprise and experienced what seemed to have been a move-able culinary feast; one meal following another.  Lunch at "Cafe Bastille, 248 SE 1st St, Miami" was the launch to a palatable cool and tasty shrimp Ceviche juxtaposed with cilantro, cucumber, and avocado a-top a layer of a sultry vinaigrette sauce. Awe, and I didn't mention a Roasted Red Pepper Soup appetizer with a dollop of blue cheese;  I thought I had died and landed in a Food Channel heaven.   Thank you, Cafe Bastille! 
Shrimp Ceviche from Cafe Bastille

Hours passed and the work day ended; I routinely made my every day way home to find as I entered my front door the most amazing aroma that seemed to marry garlic, pancetta, rosemary and tomatoes. Two for two! A mad dash of excitement traveled through my entire essence as I tumbled to the kitchen. You see, meal time at our homestead has become more than a ritual meal around our table. It is more like a food network challenge and more.  It is also the theater for daily events, discussion, drama, passion, arguments and attempts at resolving impossible world problems and a pinch of laughter and maybe even some friendly gossip.  The second meal of the day had all the makings of a scene from "Julia and Julia" 
...and more; far more than I expected and a wonderful way to spend my favorite evening of the week: Friday! 

Pasta, garlic, pancetta and tomatoes by Tony

"Its Complicated" Chicken

The last meal following the arrival of our Three Wise Visitors was my very own creation.  After watching, "Its Complicated"  for what seemed to be the 25th time, I decided to make "Jake's" favorite Baked Chicken   with Rice Pilaf and Cornbread stuffing with spicy sausages, carrots and celery bits followed by a very rich dark chocolate "gateau."  After all, television can be the mother of an olfactory sublime invention and feast.  

Well, this years Three King's Day is behind us and so are the three great meals that followed.  Ana's place was a good place to be this past weekend as we relished in the art of food creation, libation and consumption! Not too shabby a way to celebrate the twelfth day after Christmas after tracking a long awaited for North Star!   Buon Appetito


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