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Exhibit 1. |
I sometimes wonder if everyone is as lucky as I am to have such fine neighbors. I have the finest on two continents.
Above you will find Exhibit 1. - the bane of my existence; a recycle garbage dispenser. This item is used once a week for the purpose of ridding our homes and yards of glass, plastic, card boards and other waste items. This receptacle is rather large and accommodates our needs to perfection and apparently that of our neighbor.
Epochal news! The lodger ("Jeeter 1") to my right covets our recycle garbage dispenser. How is that possible? Once a week, he waits for us to take our garbage out by the sidewalk. Then, boom boom pow, he makes his sinister move. This sneaky resident of the West carefully and quietly loads his waste into our bin.
Note: there has been occasion that said bin was so overloaded that it tipped. How fortunate was I to be the person in charge of the clean up?
This combative trash picker has been asked not to satisfy his urge to have his way with our bin once a week. Regretfully, his memory is challenged and he continues to practice the art of waste sharing. Lightning will most assuredly strike him some day while violating this tenth commandment.
Exhibit 2.
Next, are the "Jeeters 2" to our left. This special breed of neighbor has perfected the art of throwing out old furniture onto the sidewalk one week prior to the large waste pick up. This event takes place on the second Friday of the month. You will find in Exhibit 2, old furniture embellishing the neighborhood while in the rain. Once a "Jeeter" always a "Jeeter."
Let us now visit my charming Portuguese neighbors... is the grass greener?
One fine glorious day last summer, I was gazing out of my kitchen window when I noticed nefarious activity at the far edge of our property. I quickly ran for my camera to capture the moment.
Shut my mouth! There she was the notorious "Peixeira!" (Peixeira means the seafood saleslady.) This master of misdemeanor is a business woman with a singular agenda - fish fowl play!
At the end of our street sits a majestic dumpster intended to service the residents that live just behind it. Without regard to the will and wish of the inhabitants of the block, Ms. Peixeira, license tag 39-27XI, began to dump a truck full of fish remains into the dumpster. This fishy woman enjoys the company of a twin dumpster by her home, but chooses ours so that we can enjoy the fish-orosity! Is that even legal?
Believe it or not, that very same afternoon I perched myself behind the same window a little while later when I discoverd Beatriz in our yard!
Beatriz lives across the street and is known universally for her loud and abrasive personality. Apparently, her cows like our grass/ weeds. Who knew? She and her assistant rolled into our property with a wheelbarrow and helped themselves to our field of dreams for over one hour. Mi casa, tu casa??? This is what happens when you live in another country. People make themselves quite comfortable...
The good news is that we fenced in our property this year and they will never stroll in uninvited again...
...The bad news is our U.S. jeeters and
Ms. Pexeira remain rogue neighbors!
Some people have all the luck...bad neighbor luck!
On a completely unrelated topic, we know someone who sells landmines for cheap... not to say that you should deploy landmines anywhere in or around your neighbors' homes, or that anyone should ever use landmines at all... like we said, it was a remark completely unrelated to the topic... just saying...
ReplyDeletePlease don't use landmines.
I like random. I am happy to share in this random topic. Dreaming of random.