In the shade of the family home in Portugal. |
The original way marked roads begin from Lisbon and Porto, but we can hop on at any point and design our own Way. The trick is to journey the final 100 kms on foot and have the credencial/passport stamped at the designated spots twice a day. The pot of gold will be that meaty Compostela that affirms that we met all the rules of the road along the Way.
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Credencial / passport |
After carefully studying my "Pilgrims Guide to the Camino Portugues,' Day one should begin the night before by staying in one of a good number of lodgings at the foot of 'Ponte de Barros.' This should allow us time for rest and an early rise to head out to our first leg of the journey.
Ponte de Lima - Rubiaes:
First day will resemble something like the following:Cross the medieval bridge passing the church on the right and pass a cafe also on the right. Turn right after the cafe down the lane. KSO (keep straight on) for about say 2km and cross the N202 on to a cobblestone path (opposite side of road). KSO following the way mark of yellow arrows passing under the motorway for just over 1 km until we are facing head on with Igreja Arcozelo and Centro Social.
Are you with me so far? I am not certain I am with me. It is probably one of those you have to be there moments.
Next: Soon after the church turn left along a narrow boulder-ed path. KSO following arrows for 1.5kms until you reach a road and the bridge over the Rio La Bruja (not a good omen - Bruja..really?)
If we are still in tact, follow the 'road round then turn left' into the winding tracks and lanes for just over another 1.5kms. This one, again, goes under a motorway. Follow them-there yellow arrows left and right and cross the "Witch Bridge" via some broad girders ( gur-der] noun - a large beam, as of steel, reinforced concrete, or timber, for supporting masonry, joists, purlins, etc) just in case we get confused we know what it is..these gurders have replaced the collapsed bridge. Now, that sounds tricky...'collapsed' is the operative word. Taxi?
Continued: Follow the path for about another 2kms until the road. Turn right and IMMEDIATELY left, then KSO for 0.5kms until you run into a sign that reads: Revolta and Valinhos Valada, 9kms. ---Left - IMMEDIATELY to a small chapel and 'useful' shop and bar. Time to tend to feet...there is a roadside fuente 2kms up the road.
The next trail entails a 4kms climb. The route is well way marked. After 3kms from the fuente we get our first panoramic then we ascend to the top having turned both right and left in about 1 more km. Next the descent (what goes up must come down) of 1km until we cross a stream. A further descent lies ahead to the first hamlet and then we pass a Cruceiro after a 0.5 walk. Continue to an old bridge over a stream. Follow the arrows across two roads reaching the Pensao San Roque after 1more km. Praise God for o Reposo Do Peregrino.
However, if we are at all able to forge ahead, for one more km we get to stay in a much larger albergue. I remain optimistic!
Day one complete. Stamp. Stamp. Sleep!
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Pensao San Roque |
Day one: plan for el Buen Camino!
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