Thursday, March 1, 2012

One of the many things to look forward to...

  • Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies;
  • All's well that ends well;
  • All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.
  • You get what you pay for...
  • Dreaming is certainly free.  All of these quotes can be found in the great book of, "that is what they all say"! Question: what does one feel when when the probability of making a dream actually come true is high on the gonna happen scale? I say, Boom! Boom! Pow!  How amazing would that be!

Here is my take on the dream rule of thumb: first, understand that dreams have NO limits. 
Haven't you heard? The sky is the limit! Indeed! This is great guru advice for conquering all kinds of universes, real or virtual.  On the other hand, for someone like myself, I prefer to birth  the dreams that are concocted closer to the ground.  The odds have it: chances are one day you will dance the dream come true happy dance.  

Okay, so my I am beating a mental dream path to Compostela and while cruising the net and virtually climbing my way there, I found Chocolate de Compostela in Na páxina de Santiago Turismo! Shut my mouth and gasp! Talk about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - churros and chocolate. A fairly sweet deal; walk for a week, arrive to enlightenment AND find blessed  chocolate. Holy, Willy Wonka! 

Blurb below: the Galician way marker to favorite churros and chocolate cafes:

Hoxe é un día para chocolate con churros. O frío e a auga de novembro combátense en Santiago de Compostela dándolle certos agarimos ao corpo. Ese catálogo de tenruras otonais reserva un posto de privilexio para a poción fumeante de chocolate espeso e a efímera media ducia de churros que adoita vir ao seu carón.

Onde tomalos? Iso o saben ben os composteláns. Na páxina de Santiago Turismo en Facebook falaron algúns expertos na arte de deixar o culler de pé na taza. Así, por exemplo, o pub Metate fai valer a súa condición de antiga fábrica de chocolate nas recomendacións de Susana Lorme Vilas, Manuel Lage e Celalba Rivera. Noa Núñez Sánchez e Ariadne Marie sacan a cara polo chocolate dos establecementos Iacobus, mentres que Juan Fraga suxire o café bar Paradiso e Lauren Vero aposta por El Muelle. Alguén incluso lémbrase das vellas glorias da cidade, como El Yate e o Galicia. Porque o chocolate pode ser unha arma contra os días chuviñosos, pero nunca axudou demasiado contra as doces trampas da morriña.

Once the feet recover, going to make my dream come true complete! 
It's Churros and Chocolate time on the camino! 

Buen Camino! 


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