..and this is how our day began departing from St. Martha Catholic Church one Friday morning. Here they are 'thee' fabulous Lifeteen group sporting their easy to spot at Steubie yellow Lifeteen shirt - standing by our Shepard Father Wilfredo Contreras, a gem of a pastor by all accounts - the salt of the earth...
By the by, as a chaperone, I had a sunny yellow tee also. Sweet Sunshine me!
So I had been asking myself, "What is a Steubenville Summer Conference?"
According to the Steubenville's well designed and pristine website, it was described as:
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio seeks to provide an opportunity for teens to come to know the saving love of Christ by providing a powerful experience of the Catholic Church and its sacramental life.
This conference is specialized to address the resources and needs of today's Catholic youth, organized on a national and regional level. With an exciting line up of speakers, musicians, and presenters, the High School Youth Conference will challenge Catholic youth to stand firm in their faith, rely on the awesome power of Jesus Christ who is their guide, friend, and Savior, and show that faith to the world.
The Sacraments are the highlight of the conference. Teens will join in a dynamic Eucharistic Liturgy during the weekend and will be given the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There is also a powerful time of Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration. Many teens encounter the Holy Spirit for the first time. This leads to a tremendous conversion for many young people. (I would like to add that there were 3000 youths)
I submit, the above mentioned description is spot on. To the contrary, the weekend proved to be much more than that. Boom Boom Pow to the Vitamin JC! It was a high octane kind of weekend.
Here are some snip its and side bars for the telling - soup to nuts:
The ride to Orlando
Day One
Day One
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Chaperones lives matter! |
Key Note Speaker Chris Padgett -
This is not exactly what he delivered at Steubie 2016, but this is just a snapshot of the wonderfulness he shared over the course of three days!
...and there was Pizza before lights out!
Day Two
This day rocked our world. We never stopped moving ! It kind of reminded me of the movie, "If this is Tuesday, this must be Belgium." And yes, only an old timer like me would know that piece of unnecessary information.
Moving on:
The General Session typically began with the most amazing and inspirational music which set the tone for things to come.
The amazing heavenly moments happened throughout and no words can describe the transformation and renewals that occurred over the course of the weekend; friendships were formed, bonds were forged and the prevalent words were love and reconciliation!
And there was Pizza...
Day 3
Morning mass Father Joe, Father Willy and others.
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Photograph Courtesy of Dr. Tony Adams - from atop a ladder! |
Da Boys!
Where you go, I go...I will follow you!
With Matt Fradd Speaker as we were leaving Center
Matt Fradd- Key Note 2015
Katie Hartfiel - Women's Session - Steubenville Main Campus 5 2014
Lead Guitarist in the van!
Hats off to Father Wilfredo Contreras, Lifeteen Core Leaders: Carmen Lambert Vazquez and Daphne Dominique, Dr. & Mrs. Tony (Annabelle) Adams and, Denise Verdiguel, Chaperone and Parents for making this happen!
Special thanks to the Big Guy upstairs...it is well with our souls.!
An added treat: the ride home on the Carmen/Daphne Song Bus!
Buen Camino Peregrino!
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We the Chaperones.... |
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