Thursday, May 28, 2015

This time last year: Summer 2014 a pictoral essay

The Build Out!

No words.  This time last year we were busting it off. 

Following the October 2013 meeting and negotiations to renew our lease at Southeast Financial Center, White & Case Miami had been astir with activity. The Miami office’s Admin. commenced moving operations on November 1, 2013, with a completion deadline of July 31, 2014. The move was projected to merge four floors into three, eliminate six auxiliary file rooms and three centralized rooms, and several dozen file cabinets.

Scintillating as the information was at that moment, we were about to face a formidable adversary in the form of paper, boxes, desks, equipment and rearranging objects and furniture that were once permanent and nailed down.  It was a challenging and singular experience and what a time it was!

 We didn't find the Ark, but we had a lot of fun trying!
Enjoy the ride pilgrim!



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