Buen Camino Peregrino!

All good things come from above. James

Ana's Place for the Ordinary.

Ana's Place for the Ordinary.

Buen Camino Peregrino!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Joyeux Reveillon 2013!

Désoler pour cette longue, voir très longue absence (encore une fois...)
Ehe-emm, pour les fêtes j'ai travaillée en peu et plus des repas en famille ...
...donc je n'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de m'occuper du Blog. Je vous poste, comme promis mais avec un peu de retard  un article pour vous montrer les cadeaux que j'ai eu pour Noël - my new box!
Ah, yes, you guessed it - another year's resolution; this time to recover my long forgotten high school french.
Je ne m'en souviens plus! C'est triste!

An ambitious addition to an already misguided list  of bucket do's.
I will soon write about my Pandora's Box 'cadeaux box" of goodies in the New Year!
In the meantime: 
Bonne soirée & Bonne nuit à tous et à toutes !
 "Bon Chemin et 


Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Happy Everything wish for you...

This year's hug..
You have come to the right place. 

Welcome to my place for the ordinary !

Ah, my fears are luckily unfounded...I now have your attention!

Disclaimer: I confess I did not want to risk any distort by a  brief and passing verbal delivery, so I threw in a few good end of the year wishes for you below...    



 Peace in times of unrest;

A peaceful and agitated Holiday Isle repose - on the way to Key West - our  favorite get away.
Smiles especially in those moments whereby a smile may feel like hard work;
Alexis my niece and I  -  sprained arm and foot and on her way to Machu Picchu, Peru  one day later...

Imagination so that you can allow yourself to drift away inside your very own rainbow - 

p.r.n. - as needed;

Photograph courtesy of Herminia Diaz - Immaculate Conception Church

 Laughter the kind that makes your belly hurt and your eyes tear up;

My longtime friend Patty P. who  is a friend to laughter  ... N'est pa?!

 Sunsets they just cannot be ignored. Sunsets are free and they are one of many miraculous (shut my mouth) gifts from God;

Weekend at Crowne Plaza Hollywood Beachn on the Intra-coastal with Patty P.

 Friendships the sort that remain a staple through life's journey - treasured companions that tinker on down the lane next to you, first on a dirt road paved for tricycles and later on a non-slippery tiled geriatric porch ready for rockers - hopefully seaside;


Faith so that nothing shakes you because you know with certainty all things are as they should be;

At Fatima, Portugal 2012

 Confidence so that you can be kind and forgiving to yourself;

At 'Sobe' with Ali and Tony - cruising expedition  one fine summer evening...

Gratitude because the list is...

'B.C' .foto ( before 'their' children) Photos by Jenise
Endless....and it is framed by  faith,  family and hope...

Circa 1960 - last portrait before our life changed radically and we became political refugees

And most of all Love...

because it is Just NOT over rated! 

Imagine a clam or a turtle without an inhabitant; an empty shell. Yes?

Without love, we are just a shell that only exists.

'Com certeza absoluta'! 

No doubt! 

Best to be a crustacean with a heart! I WISH YOU LOVE!

Still loving life  and each other  - the disparages of culture have made us better people over the years -
Photos by http://photosbyjenise.smugmug.com/

A tip from Oprah:

Live your Best Life!

From our family to yours:

Follow what is sweet, delicious and calling!

Buen Camino, Happy Everything y Muchas Cosas Buenas de todo corazon!

Don't be a stranger; I plan to remain TINKERING in this place for the ordinary; extra-ordinary!